Chuck for fiber laser tube cutting machine-Angelina
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Chuck for fiber laser tube cutting machine
Different customers have different requirements for fiber laser tube cutting machine.
Some of them need the 6m tube cutting machine, this is our standard machine size.
Others may ask the 9m or 12m tube, even some of them need the smaller cutting machine, like 3m.
Like the fiber laser cutting machine, we also need know the material and max thickness of the products.
After knowing the specific material and thickness, then we could introduce the power and laser source.
For the tube cutting machine, we know that there are some differences with the fiber laser cutting machine.
We need to know the diameter of the tube, also the tube shape.
This two points are important very much.
We need ask the max and min diameter of the tube, then introduce the suitable chuck.
This passage will give some details about the chuck for fiber laser tube cutting machine.
1.The introduction of the fiber laser tube cutting machine
For the fiber laser tube cutting machine,we equip with the pneumatic chuck for customer.
There are two types of the chuck. one is light type, which could weight 220kg, another is heavy type, weighting 400kg.
For the chucking area, there are also two types.
20-155 working area and 20-215 working area, based on the round tube diameter.
This type chuck could meet the requirements of the most customers.
Therefore, our machine is popular in the market.
Besides, we also have the manual chuck for the tube cutting machine.
This type chuck is suitable for the small area tube, the customer will not process the tube in batch.
In this situation, we introduce the manual chuck to them, this chuck area could reach zero.
So it could chuck even thinner tube.
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