Fiber laser cutting machine in India-Jason XT LASER

Nowadays, Fiber laser cutting machine is more and more popular in market. Especially in Developing Countries, because there are many manufacturing industries, Metal Fabrication, Elevator Manufacturing,Metal Doors Manufacturing.etc.

XT LASER pay much attention on India market, glad to tell you we have sold many fiber laser cutting machine to India clients.

Please check Following Map, you can see location of fiber laser cuttiing machine in Indian cities.

We are keeping putting more investment in India, Better price, Better service.

If you are from India, and need fiber laser cutting machine, feel free to contact us.

Email :
Cell (Whatsapp): 008615288856453
Wechat: feiyuyishouzhe2012 | Skype: xtlasermachine
QQ:2237961517 |Tel:+86 531 88558038 |Fax:+86 531 81180745
Add: No. 316 Xinggang Road, Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China