Jewelry laser welding machine for ring-Angelina

Jewelry laser welding machine for ring

Nowadays, more and more Chinese manufacturer start to produce the jewelry laser welding machine.

In the international market, there are manyJewelry laser welding machine for ring customer asking for the welding machine.

Among them, most of them are jewelry manufacturer, so the jewelry laser welding machine enjoy a huge market.

Last week, i just sold one set to South Korea, the customer run a jewelry shop.

Therefore, this passage will give some useful information for this kind of machine.

1.Some details about the jewelry laser welding machine

There are total three types jewelry welding machine in the market.

Namely, the all-in-one type, detached type and desktop type.

Different customers may prefer the different types of the machine.

For the desktop, it is small in size, which help some shipping cost and space.

jewelry laser welding machine

However, for those customer who do not have much budget for the machine.

They could choose the detached type machine.

These type machine is also good, just bigger than the desktop type.

jewelry laser welding machine

2.Some information about the jewelry laser welding machine

jewelry laser welding machine

1.The no.1 means the current, the bigger the current, the quicker the speed.
2.No.2 means the frequent, the bigger the frequent, the much the light(per unit time)
3.No.3 means the Pulse width, the bigger of the pulse width,the better the melting outcome.
4.No.4 means the focus, that is the size of the spot.
This parameter is related with the product size.
If your product is small, then u should set the parameter being small.

If u set the parameter big, then the welding outcome would be ugly.

My Korea customer asked for the information and function about the four contents.

So hope it may bring u some help.


If u want to learn more about the jewelry laser welding machine, pls feel free to add me here.

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