Fiber laser marking machine operating software-Jary

Fiber laser marking machine operating software

After buying a machine, the most important thing is to use, then it is critical to understand the operating software.

EzCAD is one of the most frequently used software.

Understand the software and understand the operation of the marking machine.

1.The basic parameter of Ezcad

The speed, power, mark loop, the frequency is the basic parameter.

Firstly, we should change the power to control the laser won’t burn the product. Or the low power can’t mark.

Speed affects the efficiency of marking,the time of laser stay on the product.

Also, the mark loop influences the effect of marking, twice maybe deeper than once.

2.Line spacing padding

If we need to mark some entity word or pattern, then we need fill line spacing.

Such the ‘H’ as below,

It includes 5 types, determines how the laser marking inside of the content.

It’s not easy to find the difference. But it’s very useful for high-standard marking.

Anyway, understand the operating software and understand the marking machine.

About how to choose the fiber laser marking machine, pls click here.

Pls, contact us for any info. about the laser machine.

Jary Li
 Mobile/Whatsapp :+0086 15564819153
Tel: +86 0531-88558038